We must face the facts of life. Fact #1: we all will die.
Fact #2: so will the people in our lives.
These facts represent the great mystery called impermanence in all spiritual philosophies. It is also the great denial. Death is still in the closet in American Society. The earth is dying at the hands of human beings. Everyday we draw closer to our own passing into worlds we will one day discover. Embracing these facts with curiosity and open mindedness will liberate from the denial and connect us to stand steadfastly in the here and now. We change the world by first transforming self to Self. We do this by accepting the only moment there is.
My dog Pearl and I take long walks everyday. The act of walking is paramount to our good health- the only true wealth. Without our health, we have nothing. Good health will be explored in another blog post, but suffice to say, looking forward to future events and projects, if done from a restful place in the Now, is a perfect expression of a life well lived. Allow it. Breathe with it. Follow that breath throughout its natural cycle. Then breathe again. OM