Does everything have a purpose, including every blade of grass, a falling leaf, the ebb and flow of all things living and all that has seemingly left our lives? Does every moment have a purpose?
Pearl has a knack for ferreting out the purpose of her moments quietly, without fanfare. She says a resounding YES to life. She loves being my one and only, and I shower pure love on her all day and night long.
Pearl is grace and knows her true purpose is to love and be loved, the only true purpose of every moment. The true purpose of every moment is nothing more than the universe supporting her and everyone else she loves and who loves her – every rabbit and squirrel, every leaf of stinging nettle she has ever eaten, supported by the air she breathes, the clouds that nourish the land and the snowflakes that come to rest on her nose. All is love.
I suddenly see Pearl – yes a wild beast who digs up baby rabbits and eats them and also as a receptive beam of loving energy, who’s aura takes me by surprise: is she dog or God?
I love watching her beam loving energy into our home and on all of our long walks together. Pearl looks at me as if she sees my divine blueprint and purpose.
We know love is the all important lesson we’ve come to this earth to learn. Who better to teach this lesson than our beloved companion animals?
Everyone deserves love, compassion, kindness and respect. Some only experience these feelings transmitted by a family dog, cat or other animals.
When we shower nothing but love to our animals, we watch them transform into light beams of pure vitality, pure electrified agape. OM