One of my favorite podcasts is Michael Moore’s Rumble. Additionally, all of the podcasts on the Be Here Now Network are spiritually enhancing, and I recommend them all.
As I am sure most of you know, Michael Moore won an Academy award for best documentary film in 2002, Bowling For Columbine. It was about the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, in Columbine, Colorado.
Moore revisits the subject of mass shootings on this week’s podcast, particularly because on 3/23/2021 a young American man went on a shooting rampage at a supermarket in Boulder Colorado, killing 10 people, marking the seventh mass shooting in the US in seven days.
A young woman in my neighborhood was shot and killed in an incident of road rage on her way to celebrate her anniversary with her husband in North Carolina.
Welcome to the end of the CV 19 pandemic.
In my blog yesterday, I wrote about my observation pertaining to the frenzy, road rage, and general heightened anger of the people I have confronted in the past week. The ending of the pandemic seems to be arousing seething fury in the American psyche. We’ve always been a violent nation, but not to evolve from this merciless mentality is what Michael Moore and his guest, Tom Mauser, father of one of the students killed at Columbine, discuss in exasperation.
Michael proposed the idea to show Congress the pictures and films of the dead children at all the school shootings over the years since Columbine. Show them. Make them see the devastation wrought by the reality of these atrocities.
One of the greatest spiritual tenets says to look face on at all that life has to offer. Looking away is America’s great weakness. Denial. Shameful denial.
Meanwhile, I continue to create my spiritual oasis. OM