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CV19 Vaccine

December 12, 2020

The CV19 pandemic affords the opportunity to explore what it means to heal our lives, even if not diagnosed with a life defying illness. The vaccine is being touted as the last great hope against this killer virus. Yet it represents “fast medicine.” We do not know the long-term effects. It is been sprinted into usage even as other vaccines have taken years to perfect and be released for public consumption.

Rest assured I am not anti-VAX. Years ago, an unvaccinated baby tested positive for pertussis or whooping cough in my care. The baby died, I got the disease from the baby and was treated successfully, even though it was touch and go for a while. The baby’s death gave me direct experience to the importance of childhood immunization and public health strategies to prevent needless death in communities.

Fast Medicine is what the entire American medical establishment is predicated on. As a full-time nurse for 40 years, time and time again I’ve seen this play out: the rush to treat, make hurried decisions about often toxic treatments, and the guilt that follows when a patient’s inner guidance suggests other healing routes contradicting the advice of the doctor or family or both. Often a decision is made to please everyone else, and inner guidance is rejected.

Any physical illness or diagnosis represents a microcosm to the macrocosm of healing. Beneath any diagnosis or illness lies a complex set of spiritual, physical and emotional dynamics. We give our spirit a gift as we review our illness, not as a problem in need of repair, but as a profound depth of being longing to be realized, yet rarely is, due to the human tendency to lose patience with the process.

Thus we fail to take the only journey worth taking: the excavation of Self, allowing all else to fall away. This excavation involves a detachment from all that has gone before - the need to win, the need to be right, old victim wounds, resentments or beliefs that no longer serve us, if they ever did.

This process is just a letting go of fear to embrace only love. Illness often falls away as we stand in the healing light of spirit.

The choices we make need not be options between allopathic and natural treatments. Often a combination of both work very well.

As for the CV19 vaccine - don’t ask and I won’t tell you my plans for inoculation. Om