In everyone’s life, “A hard rain’s gonna fall,“ and this is represented well in our collective CV 19 experience. While we can’t escape it, we can learn to embrace it and allow the blessings to unfold as they will. These times invite us to call on unseen forces, our higher guides and angels.
The CDC now recommends cancellation of Thanksgiving travel plans, as 1 million cases of CV 19 spiked in the last week. Many lives are seemingly on hold.
“If you want to make God laugh tell her your plans.” Wayne Dyer
“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon
In reality, the CV19 crisis has forced many to give up plans and unfulfilled dreams. Perhaps what formally carried meaning suddenly lacks importance, especially the materialistic goals, often unquestioned and sanctioned by society.
We can learn to witness this crisis, rather than identify with it. A news fast may be advisable now, so as to use the expanded moments to slow down, and appreciate beauty, to contemplate and call forth the miracle minded universe we all share, in these unprecedented times.
Another choice is available, too: filling our minds with fear, suffering and grief as we face the unknown and unpredictable.
What we think about expands. It is our choice what to think. Ask, “What do I want to expand in my life?”
Concentrate on those things.
We can choreograph future moments, then let go of outcome. Let go, let God. No one has to be like you or think like you. We all have an infinite inner spiritual reserve. We are not alone, even as we quarantine alone.
We can draw from the people we know, from the strangers we are about to know, the dogs and cats who teach us unconditional love, and all unseen helpers who oversee the spaciousness of the infinite here and now. OM