The CV19 situation is dire in India with infection rates ranging from 400 to 700 million and deaths from 600,000 to 4.2 million. Hospitals are over flowing and turning away patients, needed oxygen and other necessary therapies are unavailable. Crematoriums are backlogged with corpses, even as they run around the clock 24/7.
India has given the West spiritual insight which in turn has spread the global yogi movement to all (who want it). I often wonder how many of us have adapted a Yogi lifestyle in our simple homes as a result of the CV19 pandemic. For instance, the pandemic has spiritualized my perception. I’ve erected alters with my personal teachers in every nook in my home: Jesus, Mary, Neem Karoli Baba, Yogananda, Ram Das, Babaji, Hanuman, Buddha and Ganesh. Tomaso and I started our collection years ago, as I continue to add to it. Saint Francis is part of the crowd of Saints, fitting for his love of all animals, and humans, too, as he saw Christ Consciousness in everyone.
Kirtan singers gathered together their talents on 6/6/2021 to raise money for the CV19 crisis in India. I am listening to the replay as I write these words. I was proud to give to this cause- the cause that teaches us 1) There cannot be “herd immunity” when this suffering continues to take so many lives. Believing the pandemic is over is the height of white elitism
2) Death is a great teacher. What have we learned?
3) What learned messages can we impart to the world in a meaningful way?
Our shared humanity is on center stage. CV19 has awakened our innate ability to love everyone, and tell the truth, as Guru Neem Karoli Baba says.
The innocence of the newborn knows. We were all there, once. Let us resurrect that innocence, once again.
The gasp of the first and last breath is the greatest teacher. OM