Another snowstorm envelops the land this morning as I write these words, although the forecast promises rain before mid afternoon, turning to ice by dusk. The quiet of the moment expands to let go of future driving conditions I will confront if called to work this evening. Guardian Angels will protect me if I ask them to.
Years ago, I had a radio show and interviewed authors who had been recently published by New World Library. One always stands out as a favorite: Dr. Bernie Siegel. His first book, “Love, Medicine and Miracles,” was lauded by my mother when it was first published in 1986. She procured an audio by Bernie and asked all of us to come to her home and listen to it. She demanded total silence as we listened. When Tomaso cracked a few jokes in his inimitable way, he was severely reprimanded, like nuns used to do to both of them, no doubt, in their respective childhoods.
Bernie’s latest book is called “No Endings, Only Beginnings,” written after his dear wife Bobby passed from this life to the next. He recommends compiling a spiritual Bible of your own, a book of meaningful (to you) quotes and stories for you to rely on, go to often and add to as the spirit moves. Moments of crisis lead us to the bare bones of what is important for our own personal survival.
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” just flashed across my mind.
“My cup runneth over,” as we count blessings and practice gratitude.
Life is a journeys and the passage cannot always be safe or easy. As we travel consciously, we grow into levels of integrity connecting to soul purpose. Self-esteem rises as we live by the truth of our purpose. OM