The New Year always arrives with people celebrating the possibility of a whole new life, new goals involving weight loss and new exercise programs. Articles leading up to the New Year advise people to be realistic in their goal setting strategies.
This year is no different except the pandemic is worse than ever, and will not suddenly and miraculously disappear at the dawn of New Year’s day. No one said it would, but we are all praying for a miracle, beyond a new body, a new job. This year, many families are praying for food on their table and a reprieve from suddenly living homelessly in the streets.
This year will be successful as I undergo the process of coming home to my body, to my practice, to the moment, to my breath. We restarted A Course In Miracles today for the fourth time. When we erupt into egoic states of unconsciousness, we begin again, to love and forgive. Simple? No but it’s a mind retraining. From the moment of our first breath, the world wants us to conform to rules that restrain us. We begin again to live in alignment with Love, dropping fear and misery in the process.
Self improvement programs put one achievement against the backdrop of what has gone before. This doesn’t yield living a spontaneous life. The best way for me to look at it is to imagine my life as an improv skit. My audience used to be Tomaso, who appreciated my efforts. Now I feel his presence, nodding in encouragement.
The art form of our own lived improvisations cannot be captured on camera, sculpture or portrait. The authentic moment arises out of a receptivity to the gifts of all life has to offer, in multi dimensions, and probabilities of what we yearn to manifest.
We surrender the need to look good, or gain approval, as we express our unique fundamental truth without preconceptions, expectation or assumptions.
Happy New Year. OM