Beauty is everywhere and layer upon layer is revealed when we accept absolutely everything about ourselves. We learn to accept without judgment or denial. We look the beast of suffering straight on without need for control or looking the other way.
Photographers have as their purpose to capture beauty in a sunset, sunrise, the light as it falls perfectly upon the natural world. The glooming of dusk, the moon engulfed in moving clouds, full moon or sun eclipses, meteor showers at 2 AM, the sudden appearance of a rainbow, are apart of every yearly cycle. Whether I go out to witness these wonders is a choice I want to make.
For those who can see, breathe and feel, Divinity is on display in every waking and sleeping dream. Attachment to anger, jealousy or envy separates us from the beauty everywhere to behold. These attachments obscure our inner beauty, too.
The pandemic offers the opportunity to slow down and embrace the beauty waiting for me to appreciate it. However, many people are bored by this slowing down, thus have chosen to ignore the miraculous wonders in their lives.
Ignorance means to ignore the change in seasons, the chattering of birds as they ready for their nightly sleep.
Drop the preconceptions, the assumptions, the expectations. Suddenly life is a constant surprise. The ordinary becomes the extraordinary. In small details you find the presence of God. Boredom results by denying the flow of our lives.
Until I choose to Be The Flow, I am a slave of time and unfulfilled destiny.
The choice is Now. Om