Prayer For Healing
Please help me maintain a consciousness about the presence of Your Love – Your Angels within me – and everyone I meet today. Help me to practice this mindfulness at every moment in prayer, at work, while cleaning house and dealing with every single stranger and friend. As I awaken to this miracle of connection, I am alive and I am well. I see with a different vision that rises above the need to control my own life.
Please help me to see everyone I meet today as a synchronistic event, meant to free me from the illusion of separation. Help free me from the prison of judgment by widening my circle of compassion to embrace all living beings – the nature spirits – and the beauty that is everywhere.
Thank you for all that you have given AND taken away. Thank you for sending me your divine grace through human agents who perform non- random acts of kindness. They are your earth angels – the miracles of daily life.
When challenges arise, Earth Angels appear as if by magic to make things right. They often bear spiritual gifts and human compassion. They bring their own unique contribution to the world.
Please help me to recognize these souls and give thanks for their unique contribution to my life!
Let me also be cognizant of all the help that is available everywhere, not just in my own life.
Today and throughout the year I wish to be mindful of my archetypal role as Nurse to patients and other Nurses here in Earth (Forgiveness) School. This awareness extends to the many roles we all carry at different times and different places that help us see ourselves more clearly. As we step aside from the roles and the games we’ve all played, we grow into our authentic selves, finally realizing that roles no longer serve us. Dropping the masks allows us to simply serve whomever we happen to be with – without pretension, or any degree of self-importance.
Service opens the heart to giving and receiving, a flow that cannot be stopped. The Spiritual Masters teach us that the highest truth comes from Love and service to all of humanity. This serves the highest good of all, including my own life and also yours. Today is the day I see everything I do, including the beating of my heart and the breathing of my spirit as an act of unconditional service to all.
We Are All One. OM