We embark on another month of daily blogging. I got the bright idea to start an e-commerce business on Amazon on March 2, 2022. Right now, I am taking a course on how to do this. I’ve been chaffing at the bit to retire from nursing for several years, if not decades. I love the profession, but allopathic medicine has always been alien to me. I learned to navigate those rough waters which included widespread burn out in medicine and healthcare, in general. People who enter the profession have an ideal of serving others selflessly. I know I did. And still do.
I just turned 71 years young. That moment made it clear that it’s time to move on in the spirit of gratitude for what my experience taught and continues to teach me. Service in all arenas is the medicine that heals. This is the aspect of medicine that can’t be taught. It must be learned, most often by having a spiritual practice, one that enhances and promotes transformation.
As the pandemic seemed to be moving away, a potential world war arose from years of political posturing from Russia, Trump, the USA. President Biden wasted no time in pulling NATO back together so that hopefully nuclear war can be averted.
Nuclear war has been the elephant in the room all of my life, since the invention of “the bomb.” The nuclear bomb. The A bomb. The H bomb. The neutron bomb. Why do countries still have them? Why would anyone need or want them?
This great mystery is unknowable. So many suffer as these wars continue. I wish I could stop all war. That happens by quieting the mind and finding peace from within. The inner calm reflects outwardly to everyone I meet, today. OM