Since Tomaso’s Last Breath, I’ve studied and taken courses in Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Hollow Bamboo Breathing, Course In Miracles, Metta, Mindfulness, how to chant God’s name while playing the Harmonium and how to love everyone and everything.
I’ve studied long before Tomaso’s passing, too. My mother taught me about the third eye when I was three. When I was able to talk and walk, I asked my mother, “Mommy when I go down and come back up again, will you still be my mommy?”
Reincarnation was an important part of my upbringing.
We’ve been hearing for years how there’s a population problem. This particular sentiment has always been discussed with judgement and distain.
Yet what if the focus changes to the realization of the opportunity to thoroughly love every single 7.7 billion of these beings?
That’s Metta.
Or what if we raised every child in our education system and in the home to treat others exactly as she or he wants to be treated?
That’s the Golden Rule.
What if we treated our husbands, friends and family as if they were Jesus, or Buddha, Krishna or God?
That’s the teaching of every pure spiritual and religious tradition.
The thought of loving all 7.7 billion people on the planet makes me experience peace and serenity.
How about you? OM