Your own happiness is the only thing you have 100% control over. When you take control of your happiness, it is yours and you can freely share it. The only limitations placed on your happiness are the ones you invent in the form of excuses. Once full responsibility is claimed for your happiness, there’s no turning back. The days of waiting for circumstances to change or someone else to change are over. If you think you need better health, more money, a new mate or a bigger house, you have created a limitation called a “need for happiness.”
When or if you fulfill these needs, your ego will create bigger and better needs for you to actualize before acquiring what you already have: peace of mind and contentment in the here and now. The truth is, no matter how traumatic the life situation, you can have the happiness you desire by stripping away all the masks going hand in hand with appearances of status and class. Be happy now. Be here now.
Only you allow difficult situations to interfere with your perceptions of inner peace. You can’t control what happens to you but can control how you react. Words of doubt such as “I should, it’s difficult, I can’t, it’s impossible, I’ll try, if only, woulda coulda shoulda” are used to negatively categorize, evaluate and judge others and yourself. Free the vast potential for Love in your life by plucking out these dangerous habits of thinking.
Weed out conflicting goals such as: I (or you) deserve to suffer; I am right and you are not; I will avoid old age, illness and death; I want to please you; I want my mistakes to be your fault and so on.
Releasing the insanity of these fear based goals is like opening the prison gate. Send loving thoughts to the world and do this often. Loosen the need to control. Relax into acceptance.
This is how to create your own reality for the good of all. OM